Game Crysis 2 For PC. Crysis 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek, published by Electronic Arts and released in North America, Australia and Europe in March 2011 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.
Officially announced on June 1, 2009, the game is the second main installment of the Crysis series, and is the sequel to the 2007 video game Crysis, and its expansion Crysis Warhead. The story was written by author Richard Morgan. Another science fiction author, Peter Watts, was also consulted and wrote a novel adaptation of the game. It was the first game to showcase the CryEngine 3 game engine and the first to be released on consoles. A sequel, Crysis 3, was released in 2013 but may be I will share crysis 3 next time because I know and we know crysis 2 is one of best game with grafic so good and we can also make a collection.
Screenshots :
If you want to to download game Crysis 2 for PC, you can download from this link below.
How to install :
How to install :
- Download Game crysis 2 and crack until finish
- Open with power iso or daemon tools
- Install until finish and don't play first
- Extract crack with winrar and than copy allof file crack and paste in directory place installed game crysis 2 and chose replace
- Finish and play the game.
thx for crack :)